Communicating Your Heart Through Moving Image


Having worked for a charity himself, Ian Gibbons, founder of Panvista, understands the careful balance that not-for-profit organisations have to strike between promoting their cause and using their resources effectively.



Photo: We will plan the creative and help you shine on screen [National Day of Prayer, Wembley]

Photo: No matter where you send us, we always go the extra mile to get the shot we think you need for your film. [Latin Link, Peru, Lima]



Intelligently conceived and creatively executed videos can square that circle. Indeed, they can offer an excellent return on investment. Because the best videos have the potential power to touch their audiences at the deepest level, they can recoup their cost many times over in the form of new donations.



Charity Promo Film: Prisons Week 

Documentary Film: Cooking For Life, Brazil

Resource Promo: The Human Journey, CMF

Giving Video: Latin Link

Event Promo: Midnight Oil Summit

Interview Film: Integrity Music, Sing Silent Night

Youth Promo: National Day of Prayer, Wembley



At Panvista, we know how to realise that potential. (We also know that expensive-looking videos don’t have to be expensively-made videos.)



... You’ll get good solid footage, a fantastic edit, and someone who you can really work with who will communicate with you ...
— Andy Lawrence, Latin Link

Church Promo: Guildford Baptist Church

Documentaty Film: Latin Link

The Vision Promo: Urban Saints Guildford

1st World War Short: The Fathers Heart

15 Years: East to West

Prodigal Son: Urban Saints

Documentary Film: Guildford Baptist Church

Promo: National Day of Prayer